Divorced parents should have the best interests of their children in mind. This may be even more true in deciding child custody and making modifications to the child custody order Parents may not find it easy to make decisions about when and where their children may...
Weinberg, Kaplan & Smith, P.A.
Mediation helps couples navigate the divorce and life afterward
Many divorcing couples choose mediation over litigation for a variety of reasons. The popularity of this option extends beyond the divorce itself since it also establishes a framework for future family relationships. About mediation Divorce mediation is a process that...
3 reasons why divorce mediation is in your child’s best interests
As parents about to divorce, you will have to settle several matters to resolve related to your child. If you need a judge to make those decisions for you, they will look at what is in your child’s best interests. Yet, it is not only a judge who can use the child’s...
Is your spouse hiding assets?
When working through divorce, you would hope that your spouse would at least not work against you. But unfortunately, that is not always the case. Sometimes, a spouse might try to use the confusion and turmoil of divorce to make some personal gains. This is often the...
Are these signs of hidden assets?
When going through divorce, you have to keep your eye on several different matters all at once. This can create an enormous emotional and mental burden for you. Unfortunately, some spouses may attempt to take advantage of this by hiding assets. But what is a hidden...
How can I maintain financial health during divorce?
Unavoidable changes to your finances occur during divorce. However, the decisions you make can have a significant impact on your financial health in the future. As explained by U.S. News & World Report, divorce impacts everything from taxes to household income....
When custody mediation doesn’t work and you are headed to court
Like most other New Jersey parents going through a divorce, you may have attempted to mediate your child custody issues, but it didn't go as planned. For some reason, you just couldn't reach an agreement on all or a few issues.Now, you face going to court in order to...
Life insurance in divorce can be confusing at times
There are many things on the table when a couple's marriage is not longer working and they decide that it's coming to an end. Divorce brings with it many decisions New Jersey couples have to make about their separation and forging ahead as singles. But things...
New Jersey couples setting popular divorce trends
It seems some couples who are ending their marriages are setting some trends. New Jersey couples who are heading for divorce apparently have some things in common and are setting some new indicators moving ahead as single individuals. Here are some of those trends for...
Questions millennials should ask before deciding to divorce
Marriage breakdowns can happen at any age. New Jersey couples who are in their 20s and find themselves discussing divorce should ask themselves a few pertinent questions before making the ultimate decision. By visiting these issues, it may help the divorce process to...