Divorce is a complicated and often emotional process. However, the process of building your life back after a divorce can be just as complicated. Particularly if your divorce involves minor children, figuring out a new rhythm to family life requires a lot of trial and...
3 social media tips during a divorce
In today's digital landscape, divorce is nothing like it used to be. Matters that once remained private can now be quickly broadcasted on a variety of social media platforms. Digital etiquette during a divorce is an important factor to consider.Understanding how to...
More men receive alimony in divorce
There are many outdated gender norms that still plague society. One of the most common is that the man in a marriage should be the primary breadwinner. Decades ago, it was extremely common for men divorcing their wives to have to pay a certain amount in alimony....
3 reasons you need a pre-nuptial agreement
It used to be that prenuptial agreements were mainly talked about when it came to high-profile divorces, such as those between celebrities. However, nowadays, with the changing cultural landscape around marriage and divorce, prenuptial agreements make a lot of sense...
Is discussing college expenses worth it when your kids are young?
When you begin divorce proceedings and have young children, college expenses may be way down on your list of concerns to discuss and resolve throughout the divorce process. For example, co-parenting and fair property division may be at the top of your...
Should you consider mediation for your divorce?
If you are facing a divorce, you have many decisions to make, and the entire process can seem very overwhelming. In addition to the emotional stress and turmoil you are going through due to the breakup of your marriage, there are all the questions of assets and...
Job loss may or may not be basis for child support reduction
It is not unusual for a New Jersey parent who as an obligation to pay child support to fall on difficult times, particularly over the past several years when the economy was not very strong and the job market suffered. A parent who experiences a job layoff, for...
Divorcing after a short marriage
New Jersey is actually home to one of the lowest divorce rates in the United States. Roughly 9 percent of adults in the state divorce, and one component of this seems to be that people in New Jersey tend to marry at an older age. Every divorce is...
Separate assets can become distributable marital assets
Equitable distribution in New Jersey typically applies to the assets that either spouse obtained during the time of the marriage. It also applies to jointly obtained assets. The time range excludes the period after one spouse has filed a divorce complaint that remains...
The rules of New Jersey property division
Asset division can be a hot-button topic for many divorcing couples, especially in a high-asset case. Understanding the fundamentals of how New Jersey law approaches division can help you know what to expect.New Jersey numbers among the states following...