When it comes to high-asset divorces, there is a lot on the line. A poorly negotiated or litigated divorce can be extremely costly, leaving an individual with less financial resources than he or she deserves. This is why it is critical that those who are going through...
Year: 2019
Child support modification may be within reach
As the posts on this blog often point out, divorce can have very significant financial ramifications for New Jersey residents. Those who are crafty in their legal dealing regarding marriage dissolution can find themselves exiting marriage on firm financial footing....
Child custody and the best interests standard
Child custody is one of the most highly contested divorce legal issues. It is not limited to those who are dissolving their marriages, as parents of children born out of wedlock can also face child custody disputes. Oftentimes in these situations each parent believes...
Does wealth protect you from divorce?
The most common reasons for divorce seem to be financial worries, infidelity and lack of communication. It may seem natural to assume that having the opposite of those trends would equal a stronger marriage.But does having more money really protect you from divorce?...
Will mediation work if I have a high conflict case?
While divorce mediation is not right for every New Jersey couple going through a split, people who are in a high conflict separation should not get scared off from the process automatically. Through no fault of their own, many people do wind up in high conflict...
Putting a value on investment residential real estate related matters
Many couples in New Jersey own additional properties, such as homes or even commercial buildings, that they use to make additional income. In some cases, a residential real estate related matters investment business can be so lucrative that the couple can devote their...
Coming to terms with “fairness” and alimony in a divorce case
Many people in New Jersey get divorced for a very simple reason: they no longer want to have any type of relationship with their ex-spouse. So, when spousal support - commonly known as "alimony" - is an issue in a divorce case, it can be hard for a spouse to see this...
Working through a checklist of assets in property division
When some people think about the property division part of a divorce case, they think of splitting everything they own "50/50" with their soon-to-be ex-spouse. However, in New Jersey, that isn't always exactly how things end up. In family courts in New Jersey, the...
What should you expect in divorce mediation?
There are some divorcing couples in New Jersey who, despite the fact that they are ending their marriage, can be civil enough with each other to consider divorce mediation to get through the legal process. Of course, such an option doesn't work for everyone. Each...
Divorcing in 2019? Know these new tax laws
As someone who divorced since the year began, or as someone who foresees a divorce in your near future, it is important that you recognize how new tax laws that took effect this year can affect you. People who divorce this year and moving forward will face certain tax...