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Photo of Professionals at Weinberg, Kaplan & Smith, P.A.

3 potential advantages of divorce mediation 

On Behalf of | Oct 18, 2024 | Divorce Mediation

You do not necessarily have to litigate a divorce. You can also use mediation. You and your spouse will typically work together with the mediator, who helps guide the legal process – such as informing you about your child custody options or what state loss says about property division.

If you’re thinking about getting divorced, you may be weighing your options. To help, here are three potential advantages to choosing divorce mediation.

1. It may be cheaper

In most cases, mediation is cheaper than litigation. If you’re interested in getting divorced but worried about the financial toll that it’s going to take – and the impact that’s going to have on your future – mediation may be a good solution. It is never free to end your marriage, but this is one way to reduce the cost.

2. It is almost always faster

One thing you’ll find is that mediation is often much faster than litigation. For one thing, you can start mediation without waiting for a court date. It’s also just less contentious because the two of you are working together to find solutions that the court can approve.

3. You make your own decisions

Finally, mediating a divorce means that you have a bit more control over the outcome. You do have to divide time with your children or split up marital assets, but you and your spouse get to decide how you want to do this, rather than waiting for the court to make a ruling. You have more control over the outcome.

Mediation does have its benefits, but divorce is always complex. Be sure you know exactly what legal steps to take.

