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Tips for telling your children you’re getting a divorce

On Behalf of | Jun 22, 2022 | Divorce

A New Jersey divorce is stressful enough, but if you have children, it can present even more challenges. You can use these tips to let your kids know that your family dynamic will be changing.

Do it with your spouse

You and your spouse should get together as a cohesive unit when breaking the news of the divorce to your children. This is a great way to start your journey co-parenting as exes. It shows the kids that you’re still a team even though things will be changing.

Rehearse what to say

You may want to rehearse what to say ahead of time. It’s easy to become overly emotional and end up getting tongue-tied when telling your children about your divorce. If you plan ahead what to say, it will be easier.

Reassure your kids

When you inform your kids of the upcoming divorce, reassure them. Let them know that they will always have both of you as loving parents to support them in everything. Children need a lot of love during this difficult time. Reassure them that the bond you share will never end.

Avoid the blame game

Telling your kids you’re getting a divorce is no time to play the blame game. Whether you feel that your spouse is at fault for your split or that it’s your fault, don’t blame anyone in the presence of the children.

Do it at the right time

It’s important to tell your kids about your impending divorce at the right time. Don’t tell them too soon such as several months before your separation period. Don’t wait too late, either. For instance, if you tell them after you or your spouse has moved out of the family home, it will be obvious that something is up.

Being gentle but honest with your kids about divorce is the best policy. They’ll appreciate you for it.