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Photo of Professionals at Weinberg, Kaplan & Smith, P.A.

Some common contributors to divorce

by | Sep 12, 2019 | Divorce

Although some reports indicate that the divorce rate is declining, it still feels like divorce is more prevalent than ever. In fact, statistics show that nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. The average length of a marriage prior to divorce is seven years, which has held steady over the last several decades. Those who choose to dissolve their marriages have to confront challenging legal issues, including property division, child custody, and alimony. Before getting to that point, though, it may be helpful to understand why divorce occurs in the first place, as this can give a divorcing individual perspective and insight into the process and how best to approach.

There are some common themes when you look at the reasons behind divorce filings. Money issues, for example, can play a big role in marriage dissolution. Oftentimes one party to a marriage feels like the other is acting irresponsibly with marital funds, whether due to overspending or poor investing. In other situations, one party to a marriage may become resentful of the other party because he or she feels like the other party is not adequately contributing to the family’s financial well-being.

Yet, money is not the only driving force behind divorce. Many couples find their marriages deteriorating due to a lack of communication. Generally speaking, the first year or so after marriage is seen as a honeymoon phase where the parties are on their best behavior and their love for each other overcomes all obstacles. However, once children are thrown into the mix it can be more difficult for the parties to remain romantically engaged. Time alone can become relatively rare, and so, too, can communication. This can lead to one or both parties feeling like they are not receiving enough attention in the relationship. Again, this can lead to resentment and hurt feelings that can fester and result in divorce.

Some people are able to seek out marriage counseling and other resources to help address their marital woes. For many others, though, there is no fixing their relationship. Regardless of why a marriage has fallen apart, those considering divorce need to ensure they are taking the steps necessary to protect their interests. This may mean working closely with an experienced divorce attorney who knows how to utilize the law and apply it to the facts at hand to obtain the most favorable outcomes for his or her clients.
