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Photo of Professionals at Weinberg, Kaplan & Smith, P.A.

Should you avoid using social media amid divorce?

by | Feb 20, 2019 | Firm News

Going through a divorce can make you feel exceptionally lonely, and if you are likely many people in your shoes, you may be relying on social media more than ever during this difficult time. Doing so can, in some cases, come back to bite you, however, which is why it may prove wise to avoid using it at all until your divorce is officially final.

A common error many people involved in a divorce make when interacting on social media is assuming that they have any level of privacy when doing so. Even if you utilize privacy settings, it would be wise for you to assume that at least one of your existing contacts may have reason to share your posts with your former spouse or his or her legal team. In other words, in the age of screenshots and similar sharable content, never assume that your posts, photos and online interactions will be viewable only by those you desire. If you do decide to continue to use social media while your divorce is ongoing, know that doing so has the potential to impact certain aspects of your case.

Custody decisions

If you are involved in, say, a contentious custody battle, expect that your ex will use anything in his or her power to paint you as the bad guy, and he or she may use social media to do so. For example, if your social media accounts show you out on the town while your shared child is in your care, expect your former partner to take issue with this in court, regardless of whether you had appropriate child care in place at the time.

Financial decisions

Say you are seeking alimony or child support in your divorce, but your social media profiles show a man or woman who is dining out on the regular, driving a luxury vehicle or otherwise showcasing comfort or wealth. Again, expect your ex to call attention to your posts in court, and know that they may factor in when a judge makes alimony or child support-related decisions.

Ultimately, using social media during your divorce can prove highly dangerous, so ask yourself: Is it worth the risk?