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Considerations for choosing a divorce mediator

by | Jul 28, 2018 | Divorce Mediation

Although this blog has discussed under what circumstances divorce mediation can be a good option, an equally important consideration for Marlton, New Jersey, residents is who to choose as a mediator.

While there are plenty of divorce mediators and child custody mediators out there who are legally qualified to help couples resolve a dispute, not all of them are equal in terms of ability and experience. Moreover, some mediators may be better suited for particular types of cases, while other mediators may be more appropriate when the facts of a case are different.

As a caveat, it is also important to remember that a person may have some limits on whom he or she can choose as a mediator. For instance, both the judge and the other parent will likely have to agree to or at least accept the choice of a mediator.

With that in mind, it is important for a mediator to be someone who first of all has experience mediating disputes related to divorce or child custody. They should also know the law well enough to be able to gently point out to both sides when their expectations might be unrealistic.

On the other hand, a mediator needs to be able to convince both sides that he or she is truly neutral and wants what is in the common good. If one side or the other begins to think the mediator is against them, then the mediation is likely to fail an may leave the couple farther apart than they were originally.

Finally, a mediator has at least to strive to be affordable, efficient, and accommodating. After all, many people are willing to try mediation in part because it saves time, stress and expense.