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Mediation is available for property disputes too

by | May 18, 2018 | Divorce Mediation

Many of the previous posts on this blog have discussed how Marlton, New Jersey, couples often try and may even be ordered to try mediation when they are having a custody or parenting time dispute.

While this process often is effective in resolving such issues in a way that is efficient and beneficial to all involved, it is important to remember that divorce mediation can also be used to resolve issues over property, equitable distribution of property and other, related issues.

The benefits of mediation in these sorts of situations is essentially the same as in a custody mediation. The process is confidential, and the couple get to decide whether they want to come to an agreement over how to divide their property and, if so, what that agreement is going to look like.

The mediator may serve as a guide and will help craft a finalized written agreement, but ultimately, the it couple will largely control their own destiny rather than leaving it in to the hands of a judge who may or may not decide the case in the way they expect. Particularly if the mediation is successful, it can save the couple a lot of money, time and stress, as it relieves them of the burden of having to figure out how to prove who owns what and how much their property is worth.

Of course, it is important for a couple to choose a mediator that will have a thorough knowledge of both the law itself and how a local judge is likely to see the couple’s case, as both sides are often curious as to how a judge may decide the case as they make decisions about how to negotiate with each other. Moreover, it also ideal when the mediator’s personality and approach to mediation are something that both parties like or can at least tolerate.