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Photo of Professionals at Weinberg, Kaplan & Smith, P.A.

Alimony is not automatic

by | Oct 6, 2017 | Alimony

One of the most stressful consequences of a divorce is losing the financial support of your spouse. Individuals who make less than their spouse, cannot work because of injury or stay at home with children can be in a tight spot when it comes to establishing financial independence after a marriage is dissolved. While this pursuit and idea feels liberating on one level, taking steps to be financially independent may be a challenge.

In fact, it might not even be feasible. Finding a job is difficult and time consuming. For some, it is impossible. Thankfully, this is where alimony comes in. It is financial support like this that allows a spouse to get on his or her feet and become financially independent.

That is not to say that alimony is automatically given if a spouse feels a need for it. There are many factors that go into how alimony is distributed, including both spouse’s financial security, personal health and marital responsibilities as well as other factors. If a spouse is demanding alimony, keep in mind that it will not necessarily be granted if the other spouse cannot afford to pay it.

In television and movies, paying spousal support is portrayed as a burden on the payer. A spouse is in financial straits because these payments drain his or her bank account month after month. This is simply not an accurate depiction. Both party’s circumstances are taken into account. Most notably, alimony is meant to be temporary. A person will not be stuck paying this support for the rest of his or her life.

Spouses who need alimony should absolutely pursue that option. Spouses who are worried their financial security will be compromised if they make these payments should not be afraid. In any case, it is important to consult a family law lawyer in these situations.
