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Photo of Professionals at Weinberg, Kaplan & Smith, P.A.

Working to keep divorce from affecting your job performance

by | Aug 23, 2017 | Divorce

Many legal, financial and emotional challenges accompany divorce in New Jersey. Limiting the impact of these matters on your performance at work is difficult but essential to avoid lost employment or income at the end of a marriage.

Work should be restricted to work, and personal matters should be handled on personal time as much as possible. Documents should be kept and filled out at home. There may be times that legal proceedings or phone calls interrupt work. This should be limited and appointments should be scheduled around work when possible. Going through a difficult time is not an excuse for avoidable work absences that inconvenience co-workers and harm productivity.

Supervisors and bosses should be informed of this matter and assured that every effort will be made to avoid missing work. A team or officemate should be kept apprised so they can understand changes in emotions or leaving to answer calls.

Work may also be a welcome distraction from a divorce. Co-workers should not be overly burdened with its details and should not have their interest or compassion taxed. Caution should also be used when discussing divorce because co-workers may not have good intentions or keep all confidences that are shared with them.

It is probable that a spouse will lose their concentration and productivity during this difficult time. This is normal and should not cause undue pressure. Employers should help workers deal with these pressures and prioritize their assignments. A supervisor’s task is to keep their employees focused and as productive as possible and to encourage them to come to work by not allowing them to feel ostracized.

Supervisors should also look for anger toward co-workers that was never displayed before. When this occurs, candid but non-judgmental talks should be held with the employee who is undergoing the divorce. Loss of confidence by the employee should be met with positive feedback when their work is performed well.

Dealing with divorce legal issues is difficult but has long-lasting consequences. An attorney can help resolve these issues and ease the personal and financial burden of undergoing a divorce.

Source: The Huffington Post, “Dealing with Divorce in the Workplace,” Debbie Martinez, Aug. 18, 2017
