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Is divorce mediation right for you?

by | Sep 21, 2018 | Divorce Mediation

Thousands of New Jersey residents go through the divorce process each year. Although no one enters into a marriage with expectations that a divorce may be necessary at some point in the future, the reality is that divorce is fairly common. In many cases, there is no one to blame; it would just be better for everyone involved if the marriage came to an end. If you are still able to maintain a somewhat decent relationship with your soon-to-be ex-spouse, divorce mediation may be an option to help get you through the divorce process a bit more smoothly.

So, is divorce mediation right for you? Well, this option can be the right approach to divorce in many different situations. Every divorce will have a different set of facts, but most have the same issues that need to be decided: alimony; child support; child custody; prenuptial agreements; and property division. For some couples, litigating every issue in court is a necessity. However, divorce mediation can be an option for those couples who, while their marriage might be ending, their relationship is not in complete breakdown; they can still talk to each other.

In the divorce mediation process, the couple will attempt to resolve their divorce issues out-of-court with the help of a neutral third-party who can nudge the parties toward an agreement. In mediation, there may be some “give and take.” If the couple is willing to enter mediation with this approach in mind, they are likely to be successful in reaching an agreement that can be ratified by the divorce court.

At our law firm, we support our clients who want to explore the possibility of divorce mediation. In fact, one of the attorneys in our law firm is a court-approved mediator himself. For more information about how you might benefit from divorce mediation, please visit our law firm’s website.